Alternative Healing
Healing Through Unconditional Love
CJ Liu interviews with Susana Stoica about her healing miracles in her book “Healing with a Loving Heart: Discover the Power of Energy Healing.” Susana offers the most important healing ingredient for any illness, unconditional love.
Susana explains how she works with a person’s energy field for healing by noting internal and external energy. Even though Susana started off as an engineer, she reluctantly went into healing later in life after having healing miracles at any early age. She shares an incredible story of her healing her mom who had gone through a glass window, at the tender age of seven. Later in life, she healed her husband and family after taking classes in polarity healing and yoga. She’s been able to heal things through energy in ways that traditional medicine couldn’t address. This includes healing brain injury, ALS, and tumors. Often Susana is the person of last resort that people see when they have tried everything in traditional and alternative medicine and it isn’t working.
At the end of the interview, Susana shares her wisdom for clients who have tried everything. She cautions that clients who take both alternative and traditional medicine often confuse and tax the system. Most clients would be better served by just sticking to one modality versus throwing the kitchen sink at things. In addition, she recommends that we wait 48 hours after a massage for the body to integrate things before we jump to another treatment. Am example of this would be acupuncture. Last, Susana shares how you can reach her and do your own remote healing with her.
Healing Through Unconditional Love: YouTube Video
More on Susana Stoica
Susana Stoica has a Ph.D. in Computer Engineering and over 30 years of experience in defining and using advanced technologies. Born with the gift of healing, she worked with doctors to aid in healing people worldwide. After two traumatic brain injuries on the same day, she decided to focus her healing practice on helping people with neural impairments, especially those who have recent and old brain trauma, including strokes.
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