Intention & Manifestation
Healing Your Past to Create Your Perfect Future
CJ Liu interviews Anne Jirsch about her book, “Create Your Perfect Future: Heal Your Past to Create the Life of Your Dreams.”
Adapting to Change // Part 1 of 4
Anne describes how her intuition led her to publish her book, which came out the first week of COVID lock-down. Anne describes how her business clients during this societal PAUSE have been overwhelmed by their emotions. Some have used this time off to gain incredible clarity or to get incredibly resourceful. Some have moved back with their parents, or gone back to skills they had a long time ago. Others are using the time to simplify their lifestyle and scale back on material goods and their spending, often due to a temporary loss of income. Her motto is “do what you can, where you are, and with what you have right now.” During these times. she suggests that we put a boundary on our emotions and to balance it with super analytical and rational mind. She calls this a “robot mind.”
Manifesting Your Future Dreams // Part 2 of 4
Anne contrasts how our current thinking contrasts from our grandparents. We have a mindset of finding purposeful work, whereas our grandparents viewed work as just a means to survival. In finding our purpose, Anne describes how her meditations work guide you to focus on your heart and ask yourself, “What would I do, if I knew I couldn’t fail?” She explains that everyone needs to know that they’re doing something to make a difference in the world. People are happier when they’re doing something that makes them want to jump out of bed every morning.
CJ shares her own Shamanic journey on her purpose, and asks Anne how to move forward when your intuition seems mysterious. Anne explains that she had premonitions of her future houses even though they weren’t logical based on what she knew at the time. For example, she saw a modern house, but at the time she didn’t like these types of houses and wasn’t planning to move. However, she eventually moved into this house she visualized. Anne shares several other stories of how we must not dismiss our future precognitions, even though they don’t make sense to us.
While Anne doesn’t like to admit it, in practice she finds that doors fly open when you are in alignment with your true calling. Anne shares that she hesitates propagating magical thinking because sometimes people put off their lives and sit on their couches thinking that the universe will just drop something in their laps. Anne cautions on “letting it happen” and manifesting things. She explains that there is hard work involved. She shares the story of how she landed a book publishing deal at a wedding by saying “YES,” and then doing the hard work to make things happen.
There is another common problem that people make in manifesting their dreams. We try to make things happen with our current limitations in fearful thinking or believing. Anne gives, as an example, someone who is trying to manifest the million-pound house by winning the lottery. In the back of their minds, this person might be worrying about everything that could go wrong if they did win. She asks that we get clear with what we want and align consciousness as if it’s now. It’s about feeling it and jumping beyond your limitations. We must make time and get clear with our vision first.
Finding Your Tribe // Part 3 of 4
Anne describes the value that she’s gotten from her tribe. She defines her tribe as childhood friends or work associates that just vibe with her and are like-minded. Anne describes this as one of the primary reasons she created trainers, so that people can find their local tribes to build connection. If you don’t have a tribe, Anne encourages you to start an online group who can support you. Reach outside of your existing networks.
She has found the power of these groups to provide a safe space to develop, nurture and grow your ideas. Anne describes how these groups have helped her build off her ideas, and how magical things can happen when you allow them to flourish. When surveyed, 97% of children are creative geniuses. However, as we age, we edit out and suppress these ideas because we believe that they sound silly. If something isn’t coming imminently to you, Anne suggests that you do future visioning for your tribe.
Finding Your Dream Life // Part 4 of 4
CJ asks for techniques to keep flexible and in the flow during these chaotic times. Anne elaborates on her mantra, “What can I do right now? What can I do with what I have?” Anne forewarns that we have more change to come and that things will be constantly changing for a while. Anne asks people, “What are you doing in your absolute best future? Who are you hanging out with and who’s in your life? What are you doing?”
Now that you’ve already glimpsed your big future and you know what you’re going to be doing from here, you know your end result. It’s then that you can be flexible with whatever occurs. The confidence with the outcome allows you to be flexible with how you get there.
More on Anne Jirsch
Anne Jirsch is a London born professional psychic with a large worldwide following. Her client base includes heads of industry, politicians and celebrities from the world of film, music and sport. She is an internationally best-selling author of four books ‘Instant Intuition,’ ‘The Future is Yours,’ ‘Cosmic Energy’ and ‘Create Your Perfect Future.’
She has appeared on numerous radio shows, having regular slots on Star FM, BBC Radio Cumbria and BBC Radio Cambridge. Anne has also appeared on Kuwait morning television, Estonian television and BBC morning news and more recently ‘This Morning’ where she hypnotised celebrity Natalie Cassidy and took her into her future lifetime.
Anne is a leading world pioneer of Future Life Progression and runs the only training school for FLP in the world with 250 practitioners in 8 countries. She is the Chairman of The Past & Future Life Society. She has representatives in Japan, Kuwait, Dubai and Estonia and travels extensively with her sell-out workshops and seminars. Find her books here.
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