Love & Connection
Relationship Problems: Move from mayhem to magic
CJ Liu interviews Guy Finley on his book “Relationship Magic: Waking up Together” (www.relationshipmagicbook.com). Learn steps to take next time you have relationship problems. We’ll take a personal look at Guy’s love life. Guys shares how he met his wife. Then, Guys reveals how the challenges in their marriage helped him. Guy discusses how he grew and learned about himself. Then, CJ shares her recent experiences during a meditation retreat. Guy and CJ discuss how any relationship even an informal one can help you grow. Every relationship is an opportunity to grow. Last, Guy shares what to do next time you are getting triggered. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a loved one or the barista at Starbucks, it still works.
Plus, get more goodness from Guy here (https://www.guyfinley.org/about-us.html). And make sure to check out our last interview with Guy. The other benefit of working through these problems with your partner is greater intimacy.
Guy Finley YouTube: Interview
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