Death & Beyond
In Search of Lost Lives
Past Life Connections: Karmic Relationships // Part 1 of 4
CJ Liu interviews Michael Goddart about his book, “In Search of Lost Lives: Desire, Sanskaras, and the Evolution of a Mind&Soul”. Michael shares how our soul is shaped by our many past lives and how our current relationships may be connected to our past. Specifically, Michael shared his own personal experiences when he felt an inexplicable connection to people in his life, including someone at his workout gym. His inquiry into past lives helped demystify and explain this karmic connection.
Michael sees our many past lives like a play in which we play different parts in each life. For example, he shares “one person was a very close brother when we were orphaned; then he was my best friend in my second Christian life; then, in my most recent past life, he was a Great Love.”
In addition to repeated connection, we travel in soul groups. In Michael’s case he has a cohort of seven people who he has connected with in the past and has tracked down to present time. Overall, Michael explains the benefit of connecting with past lives in his relationships is that it can help explain and resolve unaccountable feelings for people. It also helped Michael relax about feelings about certain relationships.
Past Life: Your Souls Evolution // Part 2 of 4
Michael shares how with each life his consciousness evolved. He describes his journey as a spiritual being having a human experience. He explains that depending on what you actually recover, you might come to know what hurtful acts you committed that caused you to take your next birth as an animal or to be consigned to a state of reformation with indescribable suffering.
You might also see how extraordinary acts of kindness and service advanced you spiritually. In Michael’s case, he reached a point in which his consciousness had evolved so that he would no longer devolve into an animal. He explained that after this milestone in his evolution, he learned something new. For example, there was one life as an English banker that he learned about compassion.
Past Lives: Remembering Your Talents & Desires // Part 3 of 4
Michael explains that knowing his past lives has helped him connect to innate talents and interests. At age 7 Michael was very precocious and would create floor plans and elevation maps of buildings. As he explored this innate talent, he tracked this back to a past life when he was a commercial architect. He uses this example to explain why someone like Beethoven comes in with an inexplicable musical gift. In previous life times, Michael had a desire to create residential buildings which showed up in this life time. Similarly, he had prior lives following spiritual teachers and seeking, which has also showed up in this life time. Perhaps, this is something that happened with Beethoven. He had a desire in prior lives to compose and play music. In this life time, he came equipped with talents from previous lives.
Past Lives: Why Does Deja Vu Happen? // Part 4 of 4
Michael describes sanskaras as impressions from past lives that stem from specific experiences in particular past lives. These sanskaras can come as inexplicable feelings, affinities, déjà vu, innate talents and interests. For example, Micheal had an aversion to Orthodox Jews he saw in Palm Dessert. When he got curious and explored his past lives he learned of his past live as an Orthodox Jew, where he was ostracized from his community. Similarly, he had an aversion to Southern Spain. It’s upon discovering these past lives that he could understand his aversions and then heal his current life. He has used his curiosity about past lives to also explain Déjà vu. When in India, he experienced a familiarity with a building only to find out that he had lived in that same building several past lives ago.
More on Michael Goddart
Soon after moving to Marin County, California, just after he turned 11, Michael Goddart started actively searching for the truth about death and how to attain everlasting bliss. He began daily meditation at age 19; at 21, he began to meditate for two and a half hours daily. His work as an international consultant and his spiritual quest have taken him to over fifty countries. Since 1974 he has journeyed thirteen times to India and also numerous times to England, Greece, Canada, Spain, and within the United States to be with those rare Teachers whom he considers to be fully realized humans. In addition to endeavoring to progress daily on his spiritual path, throughout his life he’s studied the writings of Saints and Mystics.
Michael Goddart holds an MFA from the Writers Workshop at Bowling Green, and his articles have appeared in international spiritual journals. His Treatment for Bliss House was an Official Winner—Reality TV Show in the Hollywood Spiritual Film and Entertainment Festival. He is the author of acclaimed books about Spirituality, Reincarnation, Mind & Soul, Spiritual Teachings, Love, and Truth.
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