Finding your Soul mate (Kathryn Alice)
Finding your soul mate. Learn to magnetize love to you and find your soul mate. If you’ve had a hard time with dating, don’t date at all (even for years) or have a bad love pattern then listen to an entirely new way of thinking about dating. A rare chance to listen to Kathryn live. Show Highlights:
- Spiritual Dating: What is it? How do you do it? VIDEO:
- Releasing a Person Workshop: Why do we spend so many years with Mr. or Mrs. Wrong? When is it time to release that person? What are the 3 stages to release that person? VIDEO:
- Manifesting your Soul mate: How do you know if you’ve found your soulmate? How can you be more efficient about finding your soul mate? How many dates should you have before calling it quits. VIDEO:
About our Guest: Kathryn Alice, RScP teaches and writes breakthrough material in the arenas of dating and love. Her approach stresses awareness and faith, and this positive, upbeat outlook has helped many singles enjoy their unattached status and thousands go on to find love. She was the author of the “Dating, Love & Soulmates” column for HOLISTIC LIVING MAGAZINE until the magazine’s closing. She has had many articles published. Kathryn served as the Director for The Agape Spiritual Center’s Crisis Support Team for six years, and Agape is where she is based. She is often published on subjects of love. She has built followings in several cities that include Atlanta, Charlotte, Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York, Sacramento and San Diego. Kathryn is married to her soulmate Jon Tompkins and they have 4 boys. She holds an English Degree from Vanderbilt University and is licensed as a spiritual counselor and member of the clergy. Resources:
- Class at East West Bookshop:http://www.eastwestbookshop.com/
- Workshops: http://www.kathrynalice.com/events.htm
- Kathryn’s website: http://www.kathrynalice.com/
- CD’s of workshop content: http://www.kathrynalice.com/shop.htm
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