Death & Beyond
Psychic Mediums help Parent with a Loss of a Child
How can psychic mediums help parents cope with a loss of a child?
CJ interviews Joe McQuillen about losing his 21 son and his book “My Search for Christopher on the Other Side”.
Joe McQuillen’s story of talking with mediums
Christopher dies in a boating accident. His father Joe McQuillen is in shock after hearing the news. The loss of a child is devastating for the whole family. Grieving parents suffer beyond measure without knowing what happened at their loved ones death. They are plagued by questions. Was my child in pain? How did it happen? Everyone in Joe’s family have grieved in a different way.
In these situations, many parents are mad at God. In his grieving process, Joe looked for answers.
Psychic mediums provided information about Christopher’s death that helped Joe heal (Mediums talk to those who have passed). God talks to Joe about free will in his prayers. When Joe asked God why God took Chris, he offers an answer that goes beyond spiritual stories about soul contracts. Both provide him with a sense of peace.
Joe was skeptical the first time he ever met a medium sixteen years before his son’s death. However, he changed after his first session with a medium. The psychic medium gave Joe a credible message about Joe’s dad love of trains. It was at this point, that Joe started to believe in a world beyond what we can feel, touch, and see.
After Christopher’s death, Joe talked to over 20 mediums. In the video, Joe shares all the information that mediums offered about Christopher. He wanted desperately to make a connection with his son. During the video, Joe shares touching stories about his deep soulful connection with Christopher.
Each medium offers credible bits and pieces about Christopher. Joe finds that not all the mediums are accurate and some have “missed”. In fact, members of Joe’s family that have crossed to the other side show up in his psychic reading. Joe gets readings from some of the most famous mediums in our time. Now, Joe believes that mediums are real. Joe also believes that there is some place like heaven we go to after we die.
Despite some critics, Joe has deepened his Irish Catholic faith. He now reads the Bible and hears subtleties and nuances. Even though he never heard these notions in sermons he heard as a child, he believes in something greater about life.
Interview Using Mediums after Losing a Child: YouTube Video
More on Joe McQuillen
Joe has been married for 27 years and a father of three children, one on the other side. Joe was the youngest of 10 children from an Irish Catholic family. Although Joe has had two successful careers he is at heart a blue collar kid from Buffalo NY. Joe spent 25 years in the automobile business. Starting as a salesman Joe worked his way up to Executive Manager and partner in a number of different successful Chicagoland dealerships. After selling out in 2009 Joe began a second successful career as mortgage broker. Something he does to this day. J
oe sits on the board of In Balance Ranch Academy, a boarding school dedicated to helping troubled teens with addiction. After the loss of his son Christopher in a Canoe accident in January 2016, Joe began running a Charity Golf outing to benefit both In Balance Ranch & Penguin Players, a theatre troop of young adults with disabilities. NIU has set up a Chris McQuillen spirit award and scholarship to honor Chris.
Joe is himself 33 years sober and a member of AA. A fact that has helped him get close to God and help carry him through the dark times after his boys crossing. Joe’s journey has led him to speak to teens with addiction, and write a book “My Search for Christopher on the Other Side”about his successful search for his son on the other side. So maybe this is career # 3… who can tell.
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- Loss of a Child | Psychology Today https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/understanding-grief/201612/loss-child
- Grieving the Loss of A Child https://www.aamft.org/Consumer_Updates/Grieving_the_Loss_of_A_Child.aspx