Business & Life Skills
Relaunch: Moms Returning to Work
What are some options if you have want to relaunch your career after you’ve taken a break from your career? What are typical misconceptions relaunchers have? What are strategies for launching your career? What is the iRelaunch Return-to-Work conference? What are career reentry internship programs?
Relaunch: MP3 Interview with Carol Fishman Cohen
Relaunch: YouTube Interview with Carol Fishman Cohen
About Carol Fishman Cohen
Carol Fishman Cohen is CEO and co-founder of iRelaunch, a comprehensive career reentry resource for employers, individuals, universities and professional associations. Cohen has been on a dual mission for nearly 15 years: to elevate the profile and champion the success of professionals returning to the workforce after a career break, and to educate and support employers that engage with return-to-work talent. Her goal is to normalize the career path that includes a career break and document successful transitions back into the workforce so that employers understand the value proposition that returning professionals provide.