Akashic Records
Soul Contracts and Life Purpose
CJ Liu interviews Donna Hartley about her multiple near death experiences (NDE) and her book series “Fire Up Your Life.”
I Died Three Times // Part 1 of 5
Donna has been suicidal, broke, and a single mother, and she’s cheated death three times. She overcame these challenges with her relentless energy and unbreakable spirit. Donna shares the incredible stories of her NDE’s and the agreements she made with spirit. She also shares her life lessons about self-love and how we make soul agreements in the “planning room” where we hash out the details of our current life.
Soul Contract: The Life We Choose Before Birth // Part 2 of 5
Donna explains that before we incarnate into a body, we have some free will. We have some say in choosing our life lessons, life purpose, and people who we will travel with (parents, spouses). By accessing the Akashic records. Donna gets details on our past lives, life purpose, and life lessons.
Soul Contracts (DEMO): Accessing the Akashic Record // Part 3 of 5
Donna demonstrates how she does an Akashic record reading. She does an on-air reading for CJ of her past life as a Native American. Donna provides the area that CJ wanted to live in, her partnership agreements, and her vocational mission.
How Do I Find My Life Purpose? // Part 4 of 5
Every soul comes in with a life purpose. While purpose may mean vocation, it is broader than just our work. It can be learning a life lesson (e.g.- self-love, removing judgement, healing), personal mission (e.g.-healing), or to help another (e.g.- soul contract with others).
What if we are not on track with our life purpose? Donna explains that we will get a wake-up call telling us that it’s time to change. In Donna’s case it was a plane crash, and for CJ it was a death of her dad. While some may need a dramatic push, you don’t have to have something dramatic happen. Instead you can focus on your passions (e.g.- teaching young kids, activism, etc). Sometimes it’s hard to figure these things on our own and its helpful to ask a friend and get a third party perspective. Once you start your journey, you will get clues from the universe. You must be open and observant of them. While you can get an external perspective, Donna suggest meditation for a more introspective insight into your passions and to tune into your intuition.
COVID: Shifting our Mindset // Part 5 of 5
Fourteen years ago, Donna received a foreboding message about the human race. She was told by spirit guides of a time of plague, civil unrest, and climate change. The only way we were going to be able to save ourselves was by increasing our vibration. Donna describes COVID as a way for us to shift our mindset. We have spent too much time being in denial. Donna likens it to a wounded leg that we have ignored and is full of puss.
It’s time for us to acknowledge the ugliness of our current situation, drain out the toxic puss, and then heal it. This allows us to raise our energetic vibration to lighten up and be enlightened. She gives as examples of how we raise our vibrations: we can accept people of different nationalities and religions (unconditional love), meditations to work with our negativity, do something big or small to help others.
More on Donna Hartley
Donna Hartley is a true survivor! She has been an active organizer of the Special Olympics Winter Games in Northern California, fundraiser for Arts for the Schools, an organization to empower the youth, a supporter and participant in the Relay for Life Cancer Charity Walk Events, and an advocate for the American Heart Association Go Red For Women Campaign.
A former Miss Hawaii and television actress, Donna Hartley shared her compelling story on NBC, ABC, PBS, and in The New York Times. Donna is a master speaker and an intuitive mentor. A sought-after expert on surviving challenges and developing heart centered leadership. Donna Hartley is a member of the National Speakers Association, Screen Actors Guild and the owner of Hartley International. She has six stories in the Chocolate for a Women’s Soul series and two stories in the Chicken Soup series. In addition, she is the author of Fire Up Your Life!, Fire Up Your Intuition!, Fire Up Your Healing! and the Healing Meditation CD and Insights Workbook.
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