Akashic Records
Soul Retrieval: How You Can Regain Wholeness
CJ Liu interviews author Erika Buenaflor about her book “Curanderismo: Soul Retrieval.”
Erika shares the history of some ancient Mesoamerican practices. Even though Erika comes from a long lineage of healers, she first studied to be a lawyer. Erika shares how she reconnected with the ancient Shamanic wisdom. One of the primary practices shared in Erika’s book is soul retrieval. Erika explains that sometimes a part of our soul feels misunderstood, challenged, or cannot cope with one or a cluster of situations. When this happens, parts of our soul leave our physical body and go to a different dimension in our soul’s essence. Because our soul is contained both in our physical body and collective consciousness, our soul parts go to what the Shamans describe as the upper, middle, and lower realms.
Ordinary vs Non-Ordinary Reality
These different dimensions are experienced outside our day-to-day ordinary reality. The Shamans call this place non-ordinary reality. As a result of our soul parts being fragmented from our physical body, we can sometimes have recurrent issues. These include difficult patterns, physical ailments, depression, insomnia, and other challenges. These symptoms continue until we are ready to retrieve the loss of our soul parts. The process of soul retrieval helps us call these processes back into our bodies.
In order to map this concept to a reality, Erika provides an example of a stay at home mom who gets divorced, but was not able to do well in school. After working with Erika she gets clarity that this soul fragment was as a result of her devaluing her talents and gifts as a mother. Once she gains confidence and values these parts in herself, Erika helped this client retrieve this part of our soul. As a result of this soul retrieval process, Erika’s client felt a returning of this part. Once this part is integrated into her body, her client was able to achieve better results in school.
Erika’s book is an instructional manual that helps individuals retrieve parts of their soul. She includes in her book references to the ancient rituals and how you can perform a soul retrieval by yourself.
Soul Retrieval: How You Can Regain Wholeness: YouTube Video
More on Erika Buenaflor
Erika Buenaflor, M.A., J.D., blends her experience and training in various healing modalities and traditions to inspire and motivate people to live their truth, and realize their BLISS! As a modern-day Curandera, she acts as a Spiritual Counselor/Coach, Shaman, Mindfulness Meditation Teacher, and Spiritual Alchemist. You can find her book here.
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